Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Power of a Blessing!

Jeremiah 48; Jeremiah 49; Psalm 67; 1 John 1
Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Psalm 67

1 May God be merciful and bless us.
May his face smile with favor on us.


When you left the house this morning, did you remember to pray a blessing over your spouse? Do you pray a blessing over your children as they go to school? Do they hear that blessing from your lips each day as they leave the house?

No one challenged me to pray a blessing on my family or on my spouse at least not that I can remember until a few years ago and this guy at a Family Life Seminar challenged all of us men to pray a blessing on our wife before we leave the house everyday. And I have tried my best to do that everyday. Sometimes it has meant that I have had to drive back home to pray with Kathy, usually I remember by the time I get out to the car. But I have to admit there have been a few mornings that I have actually forgotten to pray for her as I have gone out the door!

We get a good laugh together each morning because it is hard to change my blessing around so that I am saying something new. Usually I say something like, “Lord, may your face shine on Kathy today”. But I can’t say that everyday so today I came across this new blessing and of course this morning before I left the house I prayed, “Kathy, may God be merciful and bless you. May His face smile with favor on you.”

And I am sure that she was very happy that I had come up with something new.

I just got a phone call from a very good friend who was concerned because I had not posted my blog yet and when he called, it was around 8 am! I was super impressed by the phone call. My mother in law spent the night with us and she stayed in our guest bedroom which is also my office! She was afraid to be at home by herself because of the storm. I read my daily Bible reading every early this morning but my laptop doesn’t have my template that I use to write my blog so I just came in to my office at church to work on it. There aren’t that many people that read what I write, but I am deeply touched by the phone call. Wow! Very Cool!


I will continue to praying a blessing over Kathy everyday before I leave the house to go to work and I will work harder at coming up with new blessings!


Heavenly Father, thank you for such good friends. You encouraged me this morning by impressing my friend to give me a call. I pray for him. I pray that you bless him. I pray that you bless his family. I pray that you bless his ministry. I pray that you bless his home. I pray that you bless his career. Be glorified through his life today! I pray that Your Face will shine in favor on him! In Jesus Name Amen.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor. I look forward to reading the scripture in the morning and then reading your perspective on it. Your words today inspired me to pray for our church and to pray for the people of our church. I prayed that God would give the ministries of TBC the tools that are needed to grow the many ministries. I prayed that God would make right the hearts of the people of TBC so that they can do His work and that His work will glorify Him and bring more people to a closer relationship with Him. With God, all things are possible and if His people ask, He will deliver!!!

Rick Morgan said...

Marian gets a blessing everyday when she leaves for work.

Eddy Williams said...

Thanks for the comments! It is encouraging when I find out that someone gets something out of my thoughts.

I enjoy reading what others think about a passage too.

Rick, I am glad that Marian receives that blessing from you each morning. It is hard not to repeat the same thing over and over again isn't least it is for me.