Thursday, September 29, 2011

Best Lessons In Life Are Learned in Difficult Times

Zechariah 4; Zechariah 5; Zechariah 6; Luke 12
Click Here To Read Or Listen To Today’s Daily Bible Reading

Best Lessons In Life Are Learned in Difficult Times


Luke 12

6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.


Does this passage mean very much to you? Well if it doesn't then you haven't been in the situation where Kathy and I have been. Years ago God taught me a very hard lesson about depending on Him and not depending on myself by letting us experience a total financial melt down. He let us get to the point where we did not have a penny to our names. I will not go into all the details, but it was when He had called us into ministry and we had made the huge move out to Ft. Worth, Texas to finish college and go to the seminary. You would have thought that since we were making this huge move for God that He would take care of us … right?

He did take care of us once we shifted our dependence totally on Him and not on our own resources. I thought I could easily get a job when we got to Ft. Worth because of “my skills”. What I needed was a good lesson in total dependence in the One that I was called to serve and I got it.

When our car was completely out of gas and when we had no money to buy food … then I cried out to God for help! I yelled at God. I cried. I finally came to a place of brokenness. Then God provided us a job. He provided us food. He provided us cars.

The seminary experience I would not trade it for anything. But I also would never want to re-live it either. We have some great memories. It was during those days when this passage became so real to Kathy and I.


I will depend on My God to meet my needs and not on my own resources.


Heavenly Father, writing this blog about those seminary days brings back lots of memories. You moved in our lives in a very powerful way. You showed us that we can always trust in You . Since those days You have never left us or forsaken us. You continue to bless us. You continue to lead us. Don't let me depend on my own resources. Help me to trust You through these days of transition. I look to You for our help because I know that You are my help. You are my Savior. You are my provider. You will continue to take care of us because we are Your children. You have called us. You will continue to guide us. Thank You for providing us with everything that we need. You are an awesome God.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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