Wednesday, November 15, 2017

We Stopped Relying On Ourselves And Learned To Rely On God, Who Raises The Dead.

We Stopped Relying On Ourselves
And Learned To Rely On God,
Who Raises The Dead.
2 Corinthians 1
8 We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia.
We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it.
 9 In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.
10 And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us. 
11 And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.

The Apostle Paul starts out this chapter declaring that God is the God of all comfort and all compassion.

If you are going through a hard time, then let me recommend that you take a minute and read 2 Corinthians 1:3-11.

Here are two important truths that I see in this passage:

    1. God will comfort us during difficult times so that we can comfort others when they go through difficult times.
    2. God uses these painful and difficult times to help us realize that it is better to rely on Him than to rely on ourselves.
Are you crushed and overwhelmed right now? If you are then 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 is the passage for you!

I will rely on God and I will not rely on myself! How about you?
Heavenly Father, hard times make me rely less on myself and rely more on You. So I thank You for allowing me to experience both the good times and the bad times. I realize that You never waste a hurt. You will use everything that comes into my life to draw me to a closer relationship with You. I pray for those reading this blog that may be going through a rough time. I know some are grieving the loss of a loved one and others are dealing with sickness. Use people in their lives to bring them comfort. And I pray that they will rely on You for their strength.
Daily Bible Reading: Job 41,42; 2 Corinthians 1,2

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