Friday, August 11, 2017

Love Each Other. Just As I Have Loved You, You Should Love Each Other.

Love Each Other.
Just As I Have Loved You,
You Should Love Each Other.
John 13
34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

Jesus is not making a suggestion when He tells us in John 13 that we are to love each other.
Hate, anger, refusing to forgive, revenge, holding on to grudges that is how the people of the world treat each other.
In fact, it is only when the world sees us respond differently, when they see and experience Christ's love in us and through us that is when they will understand that we really are His disciples.
If we are still saying, “I love them but...” or if we still say, “I have forgiven them but...”, if that is where we still find ourselves then we need to cry out to God and ask Him to change our hearts. And we need to ask Him to give us His love for those difficult people in our lives.
I forgive you. I love you. Period … with no strings attached.

I will love and pray for those who do not love or like me. How about you?


Heavenly Father, Jesus' love for me sent Him to the cross. He died in my place. And He has commanded me to love those that come into my life whether they love me or like me or not. I am to love them. Help me to do that Lord. Give me Your Heart for them. Give me the capacity to love those who do not love me. Show me ways to express my love to them. Don't let me ever give up on them.
Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 7,8,9; John 13

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