Sunday, November 01, 2020

Everything Is Possible For Him Who Believes.

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Is Possible

For Him Who Believes.”


Mark 9

23 “If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”


We are living during a time when what we hear on news or through social media can't be trusted. Our country seems to be heading down the same dangerous path that Venezuela headed. And just look at Venezuela now!

I am not placing my faith and trust in what is being said by people who are running for public office. It seems to me that the leadership on both sides have forgotten about truth!

So I don't know about you, but I am putting my faith and my trust in the One who is Truth and I am holding on tight to everyone of His promises and not those of our politicians.

The father in this story in Mark 9 was desperate to save his demon possessed son and so he went to Jesus. Jesus wanted this man to know that everything is possible for the person who puts his faith and trust in Him. And it is exactly that same truth that Jesus wants you and I to hold on tightly to.


Whoever wins the election in a couple of days and whatever happens in our country, no matter how bad things may get, my Heavenly Father is in control. And nobody is going to get into the White House without my Heavenly Father's permission. He places men and women in power and He takes them out! I voted but God will decide the outcome.

How about you? Do you believe?


Heavenly Father, help me to be a light in the darkness. Help me to use every opportunity that comes my way to share my faith. Give me a heart that is trusting. Give me childlike faith. I pray for my children, their spouses, and all 15 of my grandchildren. Help all of them to place their faith and trust in You. Don't let any of them miss Heaven because of a hard heart.

Thank You for allowing Kathy and I the opportunity to celebrate 51M years of marriage today! She is absolutely the best gift that You have ever given me. You are a God of grace because I sure don't deserve such a wonderful wife. Smile on her today with Your favor!

Daily Bible Reading: Psalms 121; Mark 9,10

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