Friday, November 27, 2020

Just As The Mountains Surround Jerusalem, So The LORD Surrounds His People, Both Now And Forever.

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Just As The Mountains

Surround Jerusalem,

So The LORD Surrounds His People, Both Now And Forever.


Psalm 125

1 Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion;
    they will not be defeated but will endure forever.

2 Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem,
    so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever.


I hope that you had a good Thanksgiving Day yesterday. It was so good at our house to watch our grandchildren playing together. The older grandchildren taking time with the younger ones, pulling the little ones around in a wagon, and having to put up with the younger ones pestering them.

It is a shame that they only all get together just a couple of times a year. They grow up so fast! Good memories are being made each time they get together!

Psalm 125:1-2 reminds me once again of just how much God loves and protects me. Verse two says, “Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem so the LORD surrounds his people ...” The Bible is full of verses that promise that God is going to take care of “His People”. I don't know about you, but I know that I am one of 'God's people', I am one of His, and I know that He is going to take care of me.

What promises of God are you holding onto to get you through today?

God put thousands of promises in His Word to help us get through all of life's toughest days.

Read His Word every morning and grab hold of God's promises so you can face what is coming at you later in the day!


I am thankful that God has given me His Word and it is packed with thousands of promises to help me live in this crazy, difficult, and evil world.

How about you? Are you taking time to read God's Word every day?


Heavenly Father, thank You for yesterday. Thank You for each one of my children and my grandchildren that You have given us. We are blessed. Continue to bless our family, Lord. Show each one of them that they can trust You. Help them realize the importance of living each day in a right relationship with You.

I pray for any person who may take the time to read this blog. Bless them, Lord. Help them to hold on tightly to all of Your promises. Give them a hunger for Your Word. Bless their family. Smile on them today!

Daily Bible Reading: Psalms 125; Matthew 26,27

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