Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Brothers, Do Not Grow Weary In Doing Good

Do Not Grow Weary
In Doing Good
2 Thessalonians 3
13 Brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.

I wake up tired and I go to bed tired. I am sure that it must be a sign of my old age and a badly damaged heart. But I must never get tired of doing good! What good thing are we going to do this week! Last week was last week. What are we going to do this week?
How are we going to help someone else?
I need to remind myself that there is always someone that is doing worse than I am that needs my help.
Last night I was at the hospital and I went to visit a person who would have been my last person to see because it was at the end of my shift. He was a heart patient and he was in the hospital because of chest pains.
As I talked to him I found out that his wife had just recently had a stroke and she was actually also in our hospital up on the third floor. The stroke has left her unable to speak so he wrote a note and asked me to take it up to his wife and come back and let him know if she was able to read the note. I took the note up to his wife and I read part of the note to her. I prayed with her and let her know that I was going back down to see her husband.
I was tired. It was past time to go home. But this guy needed me to do something that he couldn't do. He needed to get a love note up to his wife who was just a few floors away.
Do not grow weary in doing good” – that verse hit home to me this morning.
I will look for opportunities to do good.
How about you?

Heavenly Father, I pray for those patients that I talked to last night, especially for this woman who had the stroke and I pray for her husband too. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for both of them. I pray for healing. Put on my heart people who need to be encouraged today. People who need my help. Don't let me grow weary in doing good.
I pray for those who have relationship problems. I pray for those who have been wronged and hurt by someone else. I pray that you restore their relationship.
Help business partners keep their word to each other. Help them be men and women of integrity and honesty. Help them to be trustworthy. May they honor their word and the promises that they have made to each other.
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Kings 4,5; 2 Chronicles 2; Psalms 101; 2 Thessalonians 3

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