Monday, May 04, 2020

Don't Get Sidetracked …

Sidetracked …
Proverbs 4
23 Guard your heart above all else,
    for it determines the course of your life.
24 Avoid all perverse talk;
    stay away from corrupt speech.
25 Look straight ahead,
    and fix your eyes on what lies before you.
26 Mark out a straight path for your feet;
    stay on the safe path.
27 Don’t get sidetracked;
    keep your feet from following evil.
I think a lot of people because of this crisis are turning to the Lord or will turn to the Lord. I had a lady at the hospital tell me this week, “My daughter-in-law just told me that when church starts back that she was going to start going to church with me!” She was so excited! I would be excited too!
This is no time to get sidetracked! Let's use this crisis, this difficult time in our lives to draw closer to Jesus. You and I have time, we have plenty of time, to spend with the Lord.
Drifting away from each other and drifting away from the Lord is what happens to all of us if we are not intentional.
Loving your spouse with Agape love, God's love, sacrificial love, takes a lot of hard work. If you don't work at it you will drift apart. Sadly, I see this happening to couples everyday.
Getting sidetracked from spending time with the Lord, drifting away from a close relationship with Him, can happen unless we are intentional and work hard at our relationship with Him.
Yes, drifting away, yes getting sidetracked, will happen to you and will happen to me unless we guard our hearts!
I will guard my heart because I want to finish well.
How about you? What needs to change?
Heavenly Father, I pray for young couples and I pray for couples that have been married for years. Don't let them drift apart. Give them the strength to work on their relationships. Don't let them give up.
Help me to discipline my life, to guard my heart, because I know that it will determine the course of my life. Keep me away from stupid sins. Sins that will mess up my walk with You and will mess up my relationship with others.
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 8,9; 1 Chronicles 18,19; Matthew 21; I added: Psalm 4, Psalm 34; Proverbs 4

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