Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nothing Makes Me Happier Than To Hear That My Children Live In The Truth

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!
Jeremiah 50,51; 3 John


Makes Me Happier

Than To Hear That My Children Live In The Truth


3 John

Nothing makes me happier than to hear that my children live in the truth.


There is no greater joy for me than to see my brothers and sisters in Christ living lives that bring God glory and honor.

I am so proud of the young adults at our church who have decided to follow Jesus!

They are growing in Christ. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could make me happier!

On the flip side, nothing brings me greater disappointment than seeing young people living their lives like God does not exist. I feel so sorry for them. It is a deep sorrow that I sense when I see them throwing their lives away. They could be living lives filled with meaning and purpose. How tragic!

So I pray. I pray for those who are not yet walking in the truth. I pray for them and I will never give up.

Every week I see God doing miracles in the lives of our young adults at Christ Fellowship. Every week this brings me great joy!

It is an incredible thing to see!


I will look for young adults that want to grow in Christ and I will help them. I will pray for young adults who are not walking with Christ and I will not give up on them.

How about you?


Heavenly Father, nothing makes me happier than to hear that my children live in the truth. And I know that nothing brings You greater joy than to see us walking in truth. Help me be strong today. Help me please You with the decisions and choices that I make today. Guide and direct me as I go through this day. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Today’s "Life Journal" Daily Bible Reading can be found on Line. Click Here!

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