Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Lord, How Often Should I Forgive Someone Who Sins Against Me? Seven Times?

How Often Should I Forgive Someone
Who Sins Against Me? Seven Times?
Matthew 18
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!
I ran across someone last week who still refuses to forgive me for something and for the life of me I can't understand why he wants to keep holding the grudge.
Another one of my friends when I was sharing with him that this fellow seems to be still holding a grudge against me said, “Well he is a one strike and you are out guy!” To which I sadly thought to myself as he said it, “I wish that he had at least given me two more strikes.”
Maybe my friend has never read Matthew 18:21-22 or maybe he thinks there is some good that is going to come out of holding on to a hurt. I don't know, but it makes me very sad.
This friend, who I love very much has locked himself up inside the prison of un-forgiveness!
Thank goodness our Heavenly Father is big on forgiveness and doesn't hold grudges. Thank goodness He loves me unconditionally!
Do yourself a huge favor and forgive that person who has hurt you. Call them up or write them and let them know that they are forgiven.
Don't let yourself get trapped in the prison of un-forgiveness!
Don't be a one strike and you are out kind of person!
I will forgive as my Heavenly Father has forgiven me. I will not hold grudges. How about you?
Heavenly Father, help me forgive even when what the person did still hurts. Don't let me hold on to a grudge. I don't want to have a hard heart. I pray for my friend who just can't let go of hurts. Help him to let go. Free him from the prison of un-forgiveness.
I pray for anyone reading this blog who says that they have forgiven someone but still is constantly talking about them and the hurt that they have caused. Show them that they have not really forgiven the person. Help them give the gift of forgiveness so that they can be set free from the awful prison of un-forgiveness!
Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 14,15; Psalm 132; Matthew 18

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